Needles Park Outdoors

Needles Park
The Needles Park
Alum Bay
Isle of Wight
P039 0JD


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The Needles Park is the Isle of Wight's premier visitor attraction and is situated at Alum Bay overlooking the Island's most famous landmark, The Needles Rocks and Lighthouse. Every year, nearly half a million people visit to view these jagged chalk stacks and lighthouse, the unique multi coloured sand cliffs and enjoy the Park's facilities, including the spectacular chairlift.

The Needles and Alum Bay first became popular with tourists over 200 years ago, and in Victorian times the area attracted large numbers of visitors who travelled from the mainland by paddle steamer.

Car mad kids from 4 to 11 can take to the road and drive an electric car around a miniature roadway. During their drive, they learn to steer, stop and start, whilst hopefully obeying road signs, markings and working traffic lights! After finishing, each learner driver is awarded their own unique Needles 'driving licence'.

The glassmakers of Alum Bay are pleased to continue in the tradition of discovery and creation. Part magic, part science, the making of fine glass has always held a fascination. Glass has been made for more than 5000 years. The Roman Empire spread the manufacture and use of glass, but after its fall many techniques were lost for centuries.

Situated within The Needles Park, the Isle of Wight Sweet Manufactory produces a variety of handmade sweets in the traditional flavours that form a part of most adults' childhood memories. Working from age-old recipes, which use basic ingredients such as sugar, glucose and dextrose and the all important flavourings, our sweetmakers produce a large range of confectionery including, old favourites such as Rhubarb & Custard, Old English Humbugs, Clove Balls and Bull's Eyes and of course, our Wight Mints. .

Attraction Details

For enquiries about Needles Park, please contact the attraction using the details below.

VenueNeedles Park
AddressThe Needles Park, Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, P039 0JD
Opening times10am - 5pm
Entry costs
Attraction typeOutdoors

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