Edzell Castle And Garden Museums

Edzell Castle And Garden



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The beautiful walled garden at Edzell is one of Scotland's unique sights, created by Sir David Lindsay in 1604.The 'Pleasance' is a delightful formal garden with walls decorated with sculptured stone panels, flower boxes and niches for nesting birds. Grounds comprise grass, and some cobble, surfaces and there is a ramp to the visitor centre. All parts of the magnificent garden and its display board are accessible. Due to the cobbles and steps the castle itself is not suitable for visitors with a physical disability. There are flower boxes and flower beds. There is a static display of carved wall panels. Visitors with disabilities can be set down at the castle and garden entrance

Attraction Details

For enquiries about Edzell Castle And Garden, please contact the attraction using the details below.

VenueEdzell Castle And Garden
Address, Edzell, Angus, DD9 7UE
Opening times
Entry costs
Attraction typeMuseums

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