Survival Skills Weekend Experiences: Extreme

Survival Skills Weekend

Under the watchful eye of our professional instructors you will learn some of the bush craft skills of living and surviving outdoors.

Buy now price: £155.00

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This weekend course is aimed at teaching you the fundamental principles of survival including navigation, fire making, shelter building, food and water preparation and collection. You will learn about traps and snares, natural navigation, knife sharpening, compass navigation, edible plants, fire lighting by friction, cooking techniques, tree identification and uses for different woods, camp craft, water sourcing, collection, filtration and purification, game preparation (usually fish, mammal and bird) and more. You will learn how to live comfortably in the wilderness making candles, ropes and even enjoy a woodland sauna on your final day. All the skills and techniques needed to live in the wilderness are expertly demonstrated and explained so that you can master them before leaving the course. You can be certain of a great weekend with some of the UK foremost instructors in outdoor survival. This is learning through experience at its best. A full kit list will be sent out upon booking.

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