Segway Safari Experiences: Extreme

Segway Safari

Try something unique with a thrilling Segway safari experience.

Buy now price: £39.00

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Availability: All year round (excluding Christmas Day). Weather: The weather should not affect this experience, but any cancellations are made with safety in mind. Please call the venue if in any doubt. Duration: The hour long experience includes approximately 45 minutes on the Segway, plus safety briefing. Numbers On Day: A maximum of four participants per instructor take part. Spectators: Spectators are welcome, but as this experience takes place over open fields and through woodland, they won't get to see much of the action. Dress Code: Dress for the outdoors. Wrap up warm if it's cold. Protective clothing and a helmet is provided, but please wear old clothes as it will get muddy (especially boots), and bring a change of clothes for the journey home. Guidelines: Restrictions: Minimum age is 10; under 16's must be accompanied by a participating adult. Minimum weight 7st 2lb. No previous experience required. Hay fever sufferers please note: the pollen count round the course can get very high in summer. Other Info: Segways are eco-friendly as they have zero emissions. Each vehicle runs for up to 24 miles on 0.14p of electricity.

This innovative mode of transport works in unison with body movement, creating a controlled and natural ride. Begin with a full safety briefing and tuition, before getting familiar with all the Segway controls. Once at ease with the Segway, set off on a natural trail to begin the safari, soaking in the picturesque views of surrounding countryside on an hour long trek. By the end of the session, controlling the Segway will be almost as natural as walking!

Chester, Cheshire; Loch Lomond, Dunbartonshire;

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