Assault Course for Two Experiences: Extreme

Assault Course for Two

Are you happy to get soaking wet and covered in mud? You probably think that assault courses are only for the Army, however now anyone can push their bodies to the max and see if they can accomplish an assault course.

Buy now price: £59.00

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Test your body to the max

Climbing over walls, balancing on beams, and diving through tube slides is all part of the challenge. Think fast, play hard and you will conquer the assault course. An assault course can vary wildly but generally includes two parallel lanes of specially designed obstacles including: walls, balance beams, seesaws, crawl nets, under-over bars, river crossings (depending on season) and much more. It is tremendous for fitness and fun. This course is suitable for everyone and your instructor will tailor the approach and alter the emphasis to suit your needs.

The minimum age is 12 years old. A reasonable level of fitness is required for this experience. There are no qualifications required.

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