Abseiling Taster Experiences: Extreme

Abseiling Taster

For those with a thirst for adrenalin and a love of the extreme, abseiling can give you the buzz you're looking for.

Buy now price: £44.00

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A quick way down!

The exhilaration of hanging on a rope no thicker than your finger is immense. Originally a mountaineering technique, people now abseil just for fun - as long as your idea of fun is going to the edge then stepping off! At the beginning your instructor will carefully explain the whole process and ensure your complete safety and wellbeing. During this experience you'll learn the basics of abseiling, safe in the knowledge that you are attached to a safety rope. Depending on the location you choose, your abseiling experience may take place on rock or an abseiling tower.

The minimum age is 12 years old This activity can be tiring but does not require a high level of fitness. Concern over medical/ health issues should be checked before purchase. No experience or qualifications are required to take part in this activity.

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