300ft Bungee Jump Experiences: Extreme

300ft Bungee Jump

3, 2, 1, BUNGEE! These are the last words you will hear before launching yourself from a 300ft platform and plummeting rapidly towards the ground.

Buy now price: £99.00

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Take a leap of faith and experience the true adrenaline classic

The moment that you leave the cage, you realise that you've willingly thrown yourself to your doom with nothing more than an elastic band to save you! The addictive adrenaline courses through your body for hours afterwards, leaving you on a natural high. Location: Berkshire (South East); Cheshire (North)

On arrival you will complete a registration form. You will be given a full safety briefing and be weighed to ensure the correct bungee rope is used. Then you will be securely attached to the rope and taken up in the bungee cage. From there it's up to you to leap off! Video footage of your jump, photos of your experience and other merchandise will be available for purchase on the day.

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