Trinity Methodist Church Centre
.Wyre Forest Green Alliance invites local residents to a Greener Energy Fair. It will be between 10am and 2pm at Trinity Methodist Centre just off the Kidderminster ring road and with free parking. Entry to the event is free and there will…
The Grand 8,
.Nash Aujla and Gurcharan Bhujhangy.Present Charity Fundraiseron Sat 8th Feb 20255pm ‐Midnight.Grand 8 Dudley DY1 1QDEntertainment:Strictly Abba 5 piece live band Bhangra Smash Up Joe Elvis King of the Black Country The 3Pioneers exclusive performances.RnR Ents variety of dance performances DJ Amrita…
Sedley Working Men Club
Yes indeed We should give our Salsa praises that Uksalsafeet has secured a wonderful venue for your pleasure to dance salsa and other various popular Latin dances at Sedgley WMC with Uksalsafeet Thank God Its Friday Salsa Party which means to…