Steven EvEns v's The Scaramanga Six NEWS

Steven EvEns v's The Scaramanga Six

Onomatopoeia records present the launch of Stephen Evens 3rd album "Here Come The Lights". This will be marked with a head-to-head "showdown" between the Stephen Evens Band and The Scaramanga Six in what is already being called a double headliner show.

Stephen Evens Vs. The Scaramanga Six

Onomatopoeia records present the launch of Stephen Evens 3rd album "Here Come The Lights". This will be marked with a head-to-head "showdown" between the Stephen Evens Band and The Scaramanga Six in what is already being called a double headliner show.

Post-punk, art-rock troubadour Stephen EvEns delivers his poetic beatnik style vignettes of life, infused with a joyful glint of glamour, crackling beats, swooping guitars and a huge dose of brilliantly composed skronk, as he muses on everyday happenings, all topped off with an eccentric and ironic slice of candour. New wave poetics, dry, surreal and amusing.

Multi-instrumentalist Stephen EvEns performs guitar and vocals, while full band include Jimi Scandal on guitar, Crompton Whesp on drums, Debbie Smith (Echobelly/Curve) on bass and Josh Perl on Sax and keyboards.

A wonk fest glittered with a dirty glam sound that reminds me of Brix & The Extricated. The Arts Desk

A post-punk bovver-boy groove, heavy bass, and shrewdly astute lyrics Louder Than War

The Scaramanga Six also perform in this double header show, formed in 1995, The Six have been self-propelled and ceaselessly active as one of the most inventive and prolific underground rock bands in the UK. Noted for their aggressive live act and their flamboyant and theatrical songs, their independent business practices and active promotion of other artists has seen them hailed as "the closest we'll see to a British answer to Fugazi The group is led by brothers Paul and Steven Morricone.

Steve chooses the bass as his instrument of torture, creating a sound somewhere between JJ Burnel and Stephen Hanley. Paul wields the guitar and they both take turns on the lead vocals ranging from a croon to a screech. Julia Arnez adds an icy layer of guitar and voice and the current line-up is completed by insistent drummer Gareth Champion.

Over the years, The Scaramanga Six have amassed an impressive back catalogue of 10 studio albums, notably working with Cardiacs maestro Tim Smith (Cabin Fever, 2004 and The Dance of Death, 2007), Steve Albini at Chicago Audio (Phantom Head, 2013), and more recently a slew of records with Sheffield legend Alan Smyth (Cursed, 2011, The Terrifying Dream, 2015, Chronica, 2017 and Worthless Music, 2021).

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Onomatopoeia Records

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