Hands on History

Hands‐on History, open to the general public, was designed as a curriculum resource centre for schools. The ground floor houses Victorian Britain a themed hands‐on interactive exhibition examining aspects of Victorian Britain.The first floor is home to The Story of Hull and its People ‐ local social history…
Distance: 7.7 miles away

Hull Museum of Transport

The museum includes a new motor car gallery, a major extension of the popular carriage gallery, a larger street‐scene with several new shops and a hands‐on interactive exhibition area. We hope you will agree that the results have been well worth the waitIf you've ever wondered what goes…
Distance: 7.9 miles away

Hull and East Riding

Located in the attractive Museums Quarter, the Hull and East Riding Museum boasts some of the most spectacular natural history and archaeology displays in Britain.Highlights of the collections include the only dinosaur bones to have been found in East Yorkshire, mysterious Bronze Age warriors and spectacular treasures from…
Distance: 7.9 miles away

River Hull

The Arctic Corsair has been fully restored but not substantially altered. Access around the vessel is by several very steep stairways, narrow companionways and through watertight doors with eighteen inch raised thresholds. The vessel opened to the public in 1999 and has attracted in excess of 20,000…
Distance: 7.9 miles away

Spurn Lightship

Built in 1927, the 'Spurn' served for 48 years as a vital navigation aid in the approaches to the river Humber.Now enjoying a leisurely mooring in Hull's attractive Marina, she and her knowledgeable 'crew' are prepared to receive and welcome boarders who wish to explore. See how the…
Distance: 7.6 miles away

Slightly further afield