Barrie’s Birthplace

The birthplace and early home of famed Scottish author, playwright and creator of Peter Pan, Sir James Matthew Barrie, this 19th‐century cottage is set in the heart of Kirriemuir. The cottage next door is home to the Peter Pan Experience and important memorabilia, while the Peter Pan garden…
Distance: 4.5 miles away

Broughty Castle Museum

Broughty Castle sits imposingly at the mouth of the Tay. Built in 1496 on a rocky promontory, it has faced many sieges and battles. These have left their scars ‐ marks made by cannon shot are still visible. During the eighteenth century it fell into ruin, to be…
Distance: 11.8 miles away

Frigate Unicorn

His Majestys Frigate UNICORN, of 46 guns, was built for the Royal Navy in Chatham dockyard, and she was launched in 1824.The classic sailing frigate was a fast and powerful warship, and was one of the most successful and charismatic ship designs of the age.UNICORNs construction, however, is…
Distance: 10.6 miles away

Slightly further afield