Marwood Hill Gardens

20 acres of beautiful gardens and three lakes in a valley setting with Plant Centre and Garden Tea Room.The creator of the gardens was Dr James Smart VMH. who moved to Marwood in 1949. The land that is now Marwood Hill Gardens consisted then of an old broken…
Distance: 3 miles away

Arlington Court

Nestling in the thickly wooded valley of the River Yeo lies the 1125ha 2700 acre Arlington Court estate. At its centre stands the intimate and intriguing home of Miss Rosalie Chichester, who lived here for 84 years until 1949. Crowded with treasures amassed from her travels, the house…
Distance: 5.7 miles away

RHS Garden Rosemoor

Set deep in the lovely North Devon countryside, RHS Garden Rosemoor has now come of age as a garden of national importance. Lady Anne Berry gifted Rosemoor to the RHS 11 years ago, since when the original eight acres have been greatly developed. To the huge range of…
Distance: 10 miles away

Slightly further afield


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